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What to know before you visit

Meet and greet

If you're a new patient, welcome! We're excited to get to know you.

Most physicians will usually have a longer "Meet and Greet" appointment during your first visit. This is where they get to know you and your health history. They may have time to deal with active issues at this appointment, or they may ask you to book again soon to discuss current issues/concerns.

What do I need to bring?

You should bring all your current prescription medications, over the counter medications, as well as your up-to-date Medicare Card. If you're a new patient, and have not already done so, please review the FMNB Patient Consent Form.

Where are you located?

You can find our address and contact information here.

Where can I find your policies?

These are available here.

What is Family Medicine New Brunswick?

We're glad you asked. You can find lots of information here, or on the FMNB website.

What's your family history?

Your doctor will want to know if your 1st degree relatives (your parents, brothers, sisters, or children) have ever had heart disease, diabetes, strokes, or cancers and at what age they were diagnosed.

Your physician will need an up to date list of your medications or your medications in their packages.

What are your medications?

We want to know what year you had your surgery or were diagnosed with your illness. Example: Jane was diagnosed with Hypertension (high blood pressure) in 2010. We will also want to know what year your surgery was in and which surgeon did the operation if you have that information. We may have some information from your old chart.

What surgeries, hospitalizations, or illnesses have you had or do you have?

Screening tests

Please try to remember when your last screening test was for: PAP, Mammogram, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Bone Density, Colon Cancer (stool testing). We can sometimes find this information online but it is easier if you know.


Do you know when your last tetanus, flu, or pneumonia shot was? We want to know. Tetanus, Diptheria, and acellular Pertussis(whooping cough) all come together and are called TDaP. You should get one every 10 years (or 5 years if around newborns).

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Hillside Family Medicine I 1015 Regent St, Suite 304, Fredericton

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